Language Definitions

You can edit SOLIS FlightJAS sequences (.fj) and Config) (.cfg) files outside of SOLIS using a text editor of choice. The following language definitions are provided to make editing outside of SOLIS easier.


In VSCode, the FlightJAS Editor extension provides language definitions for (.fj) and (.cfg) files. Text in the files will be colored to reflect proper formatting as demonstrated below.

Language Definitions Config Language Definitions Config

In depth syntax highlighting has not yet been implemented for .cfg files.


We are no longer adding updates to this beginning with the next MAX release.

To use the provided language definitions, open Notepad++ and click Language -> User Defined Languages -> Import.... Go to C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Solis\Scripts\NotepadLanguageDefs and select the provided language definitions for .cfg and .fj files. Text in the files will be colored to reflect proper formatting as demonstrated below.

Language Definitions Config